Saturday, August 27, 2011

How to Get Stuff for Free - Part 1

How to get something for free - Part 1

We all like stuff for free. There is even a new reality show about it now -- Extreme Sweepstakes. My daughter told me its about people who spend 6-7 hours a day entering contests to win free stuff. It is their job. One dad won everything he needed for his daughter's wedding -- including the veil. Of course, you have to stop doing everything else like cleaning your house, watching your kids, working out. But, at least, you get free stuff. If you don't want to go to those extremes, here are a few ideas for getting free stuff.

Get Amusement Park Fun for Free

Recently, we were on vacation. Our first in over 2 years. My husband found a beautiful lake that rented pontoon boats. We decided to go fishing. The catch was that the best time for fishing was about 6 am in the morning. By getting up at 4 am, I managed to get everyone out of the house by 5:30 and we were at the lake by 6am, without a child mutiny. There was however, a fair amount of grumbling. My husband and younger daughter went to the the boathouse and came back with the ugly, orange life vests. She immediately puts one on and says, "Mom, watch this!" She starts running full force right towards the side of our car and bonks into it "Sumo Wrestler" style with her orange life vest. Boing -- off the car. We all start laughing hysterically. She repeats this for her father. This form of entertainment is free. It is much cheaper than an amusement park ticket.

Get Free Food

We get on the pontoon and head out to the lake. Some of the previous day's picturesqueness is dimmed because at 6am, the lake is freezing. My daughters and I huddle in blankets while my husband puts worms on hooks. He patiently helps the girls cast out the lines. We wait. We wait some more. We troll the boat slowly through the mist covered water. My daughter, who at 13 is counting the days until she gets to drive, is ecstatic because she gets to drive the boat. We find a place where fish are hopping out of the water. All around the boat. My daughter counts the hops and stops at about 50. We get bites, but lose the fish reeling them in. Finally, we catch 3 or 4 fish. Small ones, but very pretty. So, you can have free food too, you just have to get up VERY early. Bring a blanket.

Save on Cable TV

On our vacation, we were driving down a country road. There was a really funny covered wagon on the side of the road with a lady and man driving the wagon. We stopped to take a picture. While we were there we noticed that every fence post was covered with cowboy boots. While taking pictures, a man came driving by on a 4-wheeler. He was the farmer who explained how the covered wagon and two drivers came into being. They he told us about how, one day, he had some old cowboy boots. He ended up putting them on the fencepost. Then on a trip around the valley, he found a whole box of cowboy boots and added them to the fence. He said that one night some ladies were driving by and stopped and added a pair of high heels to his fence. The story was better than cable with no graphic images and no end of month bill. All for free.

Save on Gym Membership

Next to the covered wagon we stopped at, there was a speed sign clocking everyone's speed. My daughter started racing past the sign to see how fast she could run. Of course, after the first time at 8 miles at hour, she had to try to beat that speed. 10 miles an hour. 12 miles an hour. Then, she had to take off her slippers and put on real tennis shoes. 13 miles an hour. Then, my husband had to try. Several times. Running next to a covered wagon -- on a country road -- trying to make a speed sign clock your speed. Our tax dollars hard at work. But it beats a gym membership. Burns lots of calories. And, it's free.

Visit free give-aways:

Several blogs give great gifts, along with wonderful advice. Two blogs which recently reviewed "What Children Need to Learn to Read" are SIMPLYSTACIE.NET and CHRISTINBANDA.BLOGSPOT.COM.


Simply Stacie is filled with practical reviews of stuff for Moms. In her review, she and her children had a great time making a Word Letter game from the activity in "What Children Need to Learn to Read". She is giving away 2 copies of the book. Visit her site and read her review.

is another blog which reviews and gives away free stuff. She recently reviewed "What Children Need to Learn to Read"
Cristin reviews an amazing array of items -- protein cookies, hot wheel cars, games, toy, beautiful clothes for moms. Check it out. You are sure to find something you like. You can even enter to win a free give-away.

Want some more ideas:

Check back for my Part 2 blog of ways to get stuff for free.

Until then, go drive on a country road. Race against those highway speed electronic timers. Its way more fun than getting a speeding ticket.